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Causes of Graves’ Disease

Causes of Graves' disease

The causes of Graves’ disease are not entirely known yet. What we do know is that Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes your thyroid gland to overproduce thyroid hormones. This condition is also referred to as “hyperthyroidism.” Thyroid hormones can impact various aspects of your body. These include: Your nervous system Brain development … Read more

Is it Possible to Reduce Swelling from Thyroid Eye Disease?

Woman covering thyroid eye disease swelling

Thyroid eye disease (also referred to as Grave’s disease or thyroid orbitopathy) is an autoimmune disease that affects one out of every 200 people. The disease is related to the thyroid gland. This is an important part of one’s body as the hormones secreted by it control the body’s metabolism. It also affects different structures … Read more

What Conditions May Be Behind Your Bulging Eyes?

While some people may have prominent eyes due to hereditary factors, eyes that protrude far enough in the eye sockets to show the whites of the eyes all the way around the iris may be an indication of a health issue. Abnormal bulging of the eyes, particularly at a young age, should be examined by … Read more

Bulgy Eye Treatment

Bulgy Eye Treatment While the most common cause of bulgy eyes is inherited bulgy eyes, the second most common cause is from a condition called Grave’s disease. This results from the abnormal hormonal balance experienced with Hyperthyroidism. Over time the eyes begin to bulge and could cause vision problems or actual injury to the eye. … Read more

Treatment for Bulging Eyes (Proptosis)

Dr. Mehryar (Ray) Taban is an oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in orbital decompression for bulging eyes (proptosis). Dr. Taban is douple board-certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstructive Surgery. He has authored numerous scientific articles and textbook chapters and is widely regarded as a leading voice in the medical community. In addition … Read more

Graves’ Disease Characteristics

Graves’ Disease, Thyroid Orbitopathy, or thyroid eye disease, is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of uncertain etiology. The disease affects the tissues of the orbit, like eyelids and extraocular muscles, as well as other tissues surrounding the eyes. Patients with this disorder often have an associated thyroid abnormality, which may manifest either before, during, or after … Read more