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Why Do Eyelids Droop and How Can It Be Fixed?

Ptosis (pronounced “toe-sis”) is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid(s). This lowering of the upper eyelid margin may cause a reduction in the field of vision when the eyelid either partially or completely obstructs the pupil. Patients with ptosis often have difficulty keeping their eyelids open. To compensate, they will often arch their eyebrows in an effort to raise the drooping eyelids. In severe cases, people with ptosis may need to lift their eyelids with their fingers in order to see. Children with ptosis may develop amblyopia (“lazy eye”) or developmental delay from limitation of their vision.


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Are Your Tears As Healthy As You Think?

The tear film on the surface of the eye is a critical component of maintaining vision. Tears nourish and lubricate the surface of the eye as well as wash away debris. A smooth, balanced tear film (consisting of water, oil and mucus) also allows light to enter the eye in an optimal fashion. If there is a disturbance of the tear film, patients will often experience tearing, burning, irritation and most importantly blurred vision. Patients who experience tearing, or epiphora, either have a problem with tear production or tear drainage, including dry eyes, blepharitis, eyelid malposition (ectropion, entropion, eyelid retraction), nasolacrimal duct(tear duct) obstruction (congenital and acquired).


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