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What Can Chemical Peels Do for Your Eyes?

Before and 3 months after quad-blepharoplastyAging and years of sunlight exposure causes the skin to loose elasticity and result in wrinkles and irregular skin pigmentation with brown spots. Surgery will NOT improve the skin quality. The quality of the skin can be improved by laser resurfacing or chemical peel.

A chemical peel rejuvenated the skin by chemically exfoliates the skin’s top layers to reveal the softer and healthier skin below. It effectively “burns” the top loose layer of skin, after which newer tighter skin forms. The new skin is more even in color with smoother texture. In addition, the peel stimulates new cells to grow, thereby tightening the skin, which decreases wrinkling. A chemical peel also stimulates the growth of new collagen in the skin layers. Chemical peels, when combined with other agents such as Retin-A, promote thickening of the skin layers and reduction of the wrinkles and creases on the surface.

Other treatment options include laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. Note that chemical peels are not effective in the treatment of more severe wrinkles, sagging, and budging which often require a surgical procedure such as a facelift or liposculpture.

What Is A Chemical Peel?

This is a non-invasive technique utilizes Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) or other agents and performed under topical or local anesthesia.Chemical peels can be used on the full face or on specific regions, such as the forehead, around the eyes or mouth, the hands and chest. Although one peel can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, some skin problems are deeper than others and may require a series of peels for best results.

Recuperation & Healing After a Chemical Peel

Recovery is painless. Topical ointments or Vaseline is placed over the treated area until the skin heals. Most people take 5-7 days to heal from an average TCA peel. The skin will look as if it has had a bad sunburn, so most patients choose to stay home during the healing process. It is important to avoid sun exposure during the healing period. The most common side effect after a peel is brown discoloration of the skin. This is usually reversible but in rare cases can be permanent. This side effect is most common in those who have had sun exposure after their peel, and did not wear sunscreen.

Next, read Understanding Orbital Problems